Miss my home away there,,, "_" "_"
Purwakarta well a city or district in West Java and certainly Indonesia and TourismPurwakarta also deserve to know .. hehe Okay let's Got Purwakarta Town Situ Buleud ifin Sundanese but in the Indonesian language the Round Lake / bullets because emangof round shape, but it made which was in was built by RA. Suriawinata around 1830yooo ..
and can now relax and klo day for a particular day noisy and uncomfortable if walking forexercise she said hehe ....... but I am now, never again because much to the City ofPurwakarta because now I was in the country (Uncle Sam "USA") and there is one moretour Wanayasa unique small lakes and the air is cool, yes yes! abiZzz steady ..
Tourism in Purwakarta enough,,,,,,, now there are quite a lot more tourist city zoo in myhometown of Purwakarta. anyway let me not lose a lot of the same town, although a bitbut at least well could be the information ....
AND this small lake WANAYASA
Waduk Jatiluhur
Purwakarta well a city or district in West Java and certainly Indonesia and TourismPurwakarta also deserve to know .. hehe Okay let's Got Purwakarta Town Situ Buleud ifin Sundanese but in the Indonesian language the Round Lake / bullets because emangof round shape, but it made which was in was built by RA. Suriawinata around 1830yooo ..
and can now relax and klo day for a particular day noisy and uncomfortable if walking forexercise she said hehe ....... but I am now, never again because much to the City ofPurwakarta because now I was in the country (Uncle Sam "USA") and there is one moretour Wanayasa unique small lakes and the air is cool, yes yes! abiZzz steady ..
Tourism in Purwakarta enough,,,,,,, now there are quite a lot more tourist city zoo in myhometown of Purwakarta. anyway let me not lose a lot of the same town, although a bitbut at least well could be the information ....
AND this small lake WANAYASA
Waduk Jatiluhur
Jatiluhur attractions in Purwakarta is a form of hydropower dam that used to Citarum river. Jatiluhur besides make power turns out we can enjoy its natural beauty and there is also a form of pond fish farming, usually by someone there called floating because the fish swimming in cattle in the nets that float on water reservoirs Jatiluhur. The beauty and feel the atmosphere of Jatiluhur attract local tourists usually spikes when visitors will be very ramei day and day of the Eid holiday school or work.
Sightseeing Jatiluhur located 9 km from the town of Purwakarta, famous Dam Ir. H.Juanda, with panoramic lake which covers about 8300 ha. The dam was built since 1957, can accommodate not less than 3 milyar3 Citarum River water and is the first multipurpose dam in Indonesia.
In dalamn Dam Ir. H. Juanda, installed 6 units of turbines with 187 MW installed capacity and electricity production average of 1,000 million kwh per year. Apart from that, has the function of supplying irrigation water to 242,000 ha of rice fields (planting twice a year), drinking water, aquaculture and flood control.In addition to functioning as hydropower with the largest run-off system in the world, Jatiluhur area has many recreational facilities are adequate, are like hotels and bungalows, bars and restaurants, tennis courts, pool, camping, swimming pool, meeting rooms, recreation facilities and water sports, playground and other facilities. Sports facilities and water recreation such as kayaking, windsurfing, boat cruises, water skiing, Boating and more.
In the waters of Lake Jatiluhur there are also fish cultivation Keramba cage, the main attraction. At the time of day or in the stillness of the night we can complete peace of fishing while enjoying grilled fish. This region, we can see the Satellite Earth Station that is managed by PT. Indosat, as a means of international communication. Types of services provided include international toll free service (ITFS), Indosat Calling Card (ICC), international direct and others. Located 7 km from the town of Purwakarta.
Sightseeing Jatiluhur located 9 km from the town of Purwakarta, famous Dam Ir. H.Juanda, with panoramic lake which covers about 8300 ha. The dam was built since 1957, can accommodate not less than 3 milyar3 Citarum River water and is the first multipurpose dam in Indonesia.
In dalamn Dam Ir. H. Juanda, installed 6 units of turbines with 187 MW installed capacity and electricity production average of 1,000 million kwh per year. Apart from that, has the function of supplying irrigation water to 242,000 ha of rice fields (planting twice a year), drinking water, aquaculture and flood control.In addition to functioning as hydropower with the largest run-off system in the world, Jatiluhur area has many recreational facilities are adequate, are like hotels and bungalows, bars and restaurants, tennis courts, pool, camping, swimming pool, meeting rooms, recreation facilities and water sports, playground and other facilities. Sports facilities and water recreation such as kayaking, windsurfing, boat cruises, water skiing, Boating and more.
In the waters of Lake Jatiluhur there are also fish cultivation Keramba cage, the main attraction. At the time of day or in the stillness of the night we can complete peace of fishing while enjoying grilled fish. This region, we can see the Satellite Earth Station that is managed by PT. Indosat, as a means of international communication. Types of services provided include international toll free service (ITFS), Indosat Calling Card (ICC), international direct and others. Located 7 km from the town of Purwakarta.
Waduk Cirata
Cirata, in addition to functioning as a Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) lake altitude of about 223 meters above sea level, surrounded by hills make a very attractive naturalbeauty.
Cirata Hydroelectric Plant Hydro is the Parent Project in West Java (Pikitdro Jabar) thatcan generate electricity by an average of 1426 million kilowatt / hour per year When to travel from the City of Purwakarta through Plered, we will arrive at Cirata withinapproximately 40 minutes. On the way, it can be enjoyed the natural beauty along the way Plered-Cirata.
Looking ahead Cirata lake will be developed into tourism educationol place for studentsand student and recreational facilities, especially water recreation as well as JatiluhurTourism.
Cirata Hydroelectric Plant Hydro is the Parent Project in West Java (Pikitdro Jabar) thatcan generate electricity by an average of 1426 million kilowatt / hour per year When to travel from the City of Purwakarta through Plered, we will arrive at Cirata withinapproximately 40 minutes. On the way, it can be enjoyed the natural beauty along the way Plered-Cirata.
Looking ahead Cirata lake will be developed into tourism educationol place for studentsand student and recreational facilities, especially water recreation as well as JatiluhurTourism.
2 Komentar
We know many banks now-a-days arrange student loans . This is done not only with a view to get financial profit but also to assist the students who are not financially well of to run their educational expenses. I support this steps of banks heartily.
Balasthanks :)
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