If you want to be successful at blogging you need to walk a fine line between providing quality content and bringing in enough money to make it profitable. But without a steady stream of visitors coming to your blog it will be challenging and you might fail. This article will list 5 reasons why your blog is not bringing in enough money or visitors, plus at the end I will tell you what I did to make huge amounts of money from my own blogs. Consider it a bonus!
1. Your blog topic is too general.
If you’ve been around for a while you might have noticed that most of the successful blogs have managed to fit themselves into their own little niche. Finding your own niche is the key to successful blogging. Blogs that are too general will not only have a harder time finding and keeping their readers, they also usually have to compete with much bigger (and more successful) blogs on the same topic. I mean, most general blogs that cover whole markets will most likely have several people working on them 24/7 and a really big budget to spend on marketing themselves. So, why would a reader come to your blog instead of going to one of the bigger, more popular blogs on the same topic? The answer is that they won’t, unless you can give them something more in-depth and specific then the bigger blogs offer.
2. The navigation is confusing.
Navigation is the key to a fully functional website and happy visitors. Having a good navigation will also lower your bounce-rate since people will browse around instead of instantly leaving. You want to give your readers access to all your information without having to search around your blog forever. Keep the navigation simple and easy-to-use with clear menus and links to separate categories. If you can it would be wise to provide your visitors with a help page and/or a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help them find what they are looking for. A sitemap is also good to have both for search engines to index your content and for readers to find it.
3. The layout is distracting.
The attention span of the average web user is very short, and keeping them interested enough to read your whole articles is extremely difficult nowadays. Don’t make it even more difficult by distracting your readers with flashing advertisements, animations or similar things. If a visitor to your site gets annoyed he/she will leave instantly. Similarly, stick with a 2-column theme (3-columns and above often looks cluttered and confuses readers), and try to avoid over-complicated menu systems at the side of the page.
4. The content is biased.
Depending on the topic of your blog, you need to provide unbiased or balanced content. This may not be a problem if you blog about something with no real opposing views, but if your blog contains subject matter with a strong emotional connection you should consider how your content will be viewed by readers. For example a parenting blog should avoid using content that will offend or exclude some of its readership (e.g. biased or judgmental views against working mums, vaccination programs, or other controversial views). That’s not to say that you shouldn’t tackle controversial issues on your blog, but you must try to present a balanced view of the issue.
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5. The ads are off-putting.
Ever come across a blog so filled with ads that you find it difficult to even read it? Most of us have. Finding the right balance between content and advertisements can be a tricky task. On one hand you want to provide your readers with quality content, but on the other hand you want to make money so that you can continue to blog. Advertisements needs to be placed carefully to avoid irritating your readers. If you use AdSense or other similar programs, you may be able to get free advice on the best places to put the advertisements for your particular blog. Never hesitate to experiment with different placements, colors, types and sizes to see which one makes you the most money without annoying your readers.
Bonus! – How I made mad money.
So I recently stumble across a product online that caught my attention. I usually don’t try many of the products promoted by gurus saying that you can make money online in 1 click. Luckily for me this product wasn’t promising that.
MTA or Mass Traffic Accelerator is a software that really takes your blog income to a whole new level, it really works! The reason it works is because it helps you as an affiliate find tons of low-competition niches with loads of traffic that we usually can’t take advantage of because of language barriers. Mass Traffic Accelerator lets you get past the “babel” barrier and unlock markets that you wouldn’t be able to profit from/use otherwise.
The system is 100% whitehat, meaning Google loves it. It lets you add content and backlinks to your blogs with only a few clicks, no writing needed! So in other word you only need to set up a WordPress website (free hosting if you want), then click some buttons and you’re on your way to making money online!
I won’t tell you exactly how much I have made from this but I can say that after I got the hang of this thing I was averaging $200+ per day, and the income only increases the more time I spend on it. It’s truly a great product for affiliates, but as with always you should read more for yourself and not take my word for it before buying, the link is below. Have a great day! =)
6. Online surveys
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1. Your blog topic is too general.
If you’ve been around for a while you might have noticed that most of the successful blogs have managed to fit themselves into their own little niche. Finding your own niche is the key to successful blogging. Blogs that are too general will not only have a harder time finding and keeping their readers, they also usually have to compete with much bigger (and more successful) blogs on the same topic. I mean, most general blogs that cover whole markets will most likely have several people working on them 24/7 and a really big budget to spend on marketing themselves. So, why would a reader come to your blog instead of going to one of the bigger, more popular blogs on the same topic? The answer is that they won’t, unless you can give them something more in-depth and specific then the bigger blogs offer.
2. The navigation is confusing.
Navigation is the key to a fully functional website and happy visitors. Having a good navigation will also lower your bounce-rate since people will browse around instead of instantly leaving. You want to give your readers access to all your information without having to search around your blog forever. Keep the navigation simple and easy-to-use with clear menus and links to separate categories. If you can it would be wise to provide your visitors with a help page and/or a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help them find what they are looking for. A sitemap is also good to have both for search engines to index your content and for readers to find it.
3. The layout is distracting.
The attention span of the average web user is very short, and keeping them interested enough to read your whole articles is extremely difficult nowadays. Don’t make it even more difficult by distracting your readers with flashing advertisements, animations or similar things. If a visitor to your site gets annoyed he/she will leave instantly. Similarly, stick with a 2-column theme (3-columns and above often looks cluttered and confuses readers), and try to avoid over-complicated menu systems at the side of the page.
4. The content is biased.
Depending on the topic of your blog, you need to provide unbiased or balanced content. This may not be a problem if you blog about something with no real opposing views, but if your blog contains subject matter with a strong emotional connection you should consider how your content will be viewed by readers. For example a parenting blog should avoid using content that will offend or exclude some of its readership (e.g. biased or judgmental views against working mums, vaccination programs, or other controversial views). That’s not to say that you shouldn’t tackle controversial issues on your blog, but you must try to present a balanced view of the issue.
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5. The ads are off-putting.
Ever come across a blog so filled with ads that you find it difficult to even read it? Most of us have. Finding the right balance between content and advertisements can be a tricky task. On one hand you want to provide your readers with quality content, but on the other hand you want to make money so that you can continue to blog. Advertisements needs to be placed carefully to avoid irritating your readers. If you use AdSense or other similar programs, you may be able to get free advice on the best places to put the advertisements for your particular blog. Never hesitate to experiment with different placements, colors, types and sizes to see which one makes you the most money without annoying your readers.
Bonus! – How I made mad money.
So I recently stumble across a product online that caught my attention. I usually don’t try many of the products promoted by gurus saying that you can make money online in 1 click. Luckily for me this product wasn’t promising that.
MTA or Mass Traffic Accelerator is a software that really takes your blog income to a whole new level, it really works! The reason it works is because it helps you as an affiliate find tons of low-competition niches with loads of traffic that we usually can’t take advantage of because of language barriers. Mass Traffic Accelerator lets you get past the “babel” barrier and unlock markets that you wouldn’t be able to profit from/use otherwise.
The system is 100% whitehat, meaning Google loves it. It lets you add content and backlinks to your blogs with only a few clicks, no writing needed! So in other word you only need to set up a WordPress website (free hosting if you want), then click some buttons and you’re on your way to making money online!
I won’t tell you exactly how much I have made from this but I can say that after I got the hang of this thing I was averaging $200+ per day, and the income only increases the more time I spend on it. It’s truly a great product for affiliates, but as with always you should read more for yourself and not take my word for it before buying, the link is below. Have a great day! =)
6. Online surveys
Getting into the online surveys are
important to evaluate your products and services among other
competitors. Every business needs a survey to find the resulting
feedback of their products that are launched in the market. Acquiring
customer’s feedback, expectations and opinions it’s being paid to the
survey organizations, thus earning a considerable amount.
Blogging is considered as the best way
to make your own business established online. Creating a blog can be
made easy either with the help of Blogger.com, Word press or any other
sites that offer hosting a blogging service. Start writing your blog
with your passionate topics that attracts more of the readers; make your
writings available in the social book marking sites to generate traffic
quicker. It’s of short term investments as only building a site may require initiation.
There are several search engine
optimization techniques that help to increase your website rank good in
the search engine. Google keywords can be used in the articles to make
your stuff more searchable. Note that it is important to make your
keywords searchable and more suitable to your site. Avoid stuffing of
keywords, by choosing the apt ones.
You tube can help you in making your
product advertisement, reaching your end customers over a distributional
community. Canvassing your business can not be possible but drawing
more traffic to your site is easy with a description of video on the
products and services that you provide. It’s a step to promote your
product effectively.
Promoting your website need some small
advertisement to make your site available through social sites such as
face book, Twitter, Digg, Orkut, My space, etc helps in making your site
familiarized among friends, relatives, communities and other business
holders who are interested with your way of business dealing.
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