Update Status Facebook (FB) Funny

This time I will post some funny facebook update :D lol There are times when people make facebook status (fb) deliberately made ​​funny. So when they update facebook status, expect many who respond with laughter. Although most real without us knowing it was funny fb status without artificial.

Most of the funny thing is the people who update their status as they again vent. There is also a funny emang from nature, finally when they look so cute update.
For those of you who are looking for a funny facebook status abiz. Stars got ya cool statuses that you can use yourself. Almost all walks of life use fb, of various tastes of comedy, Live view bro collection of various status updates ever in a previous post :

Collection of funny facebook status:

"Your future depends on our dreams, so let's sleep"

"It's okay now we are different GSM card, as long as we are in the later names of the same family CARD. '

"" The real cause of toothache and pregnant is the same. Late revoked "

"I was trying to commit suicide, sebetol drinking poison, uh ... apparently not dead-dead and then I read it turned out there was only a bottle of mineral water alone"

"In a healthy ass that farts are strong"

"Tau Gak?! BMG: Meteorology Geophysics, changed the name so OMG after seeing looks bright as you "

"Dozens of students clashed on the field a high school. They each expressed love "

"Peeing Standing Teachers, Students Run Pee ...
Girls squat pee, More At peek ... "

"The word Ustadz .. love your neighbor just do not get caught wet"

"Trying to catch turned out to be stumbling stones"

"Cutesy Your face, your hands smooth, sexy legs, your body. . . Stump "

"There was drop-dead gorgeous girl, but really beside yah goat?"

- "Damn .. I forgot the account password Facebook me "(if you forget how can update the status of it?: D)

- My Struggle as Mario Bros, must slay dragons and monsters created dapet turtle lady.

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