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seiring berjalannya waktu banyak sekali penipuan yang mengatakan kata-kata kebusukan yang tak henti-hentinya, untuk membingungkan pelanggan atau pembaca artikel. disini saya akan memudahkan anda untuk membuat sebuah tesis atau skripsi judul skripsi tentang "Penggajian digital"
Review Abstract
seiring berjalannya waktu banyak sekali penipuan yang mengatakan kata-kata kebusukan yang tak henti-hentinya, untuk membingungkan pelanggan atau pembaca artikel. disini saya akan memudahkan anda untuk membuat sebuah tesis atau skripsi judul skripsi tentang "Penggajian digital"
Review Abstract
PT.Surya madistrindo is a subsidiary of PT Gudang Garam, which is a company which is engaged in Cigarette Distributors. As time goes by PT.Surya Madistrindo have a growing number of employees. Therefore, delays often occur in the processing of salaries / wages of employees due to accumulation of processing payment of salary / wages are still done the traditional / manual, because the data must be recorded or processed repeatedly in an effort to prepare a report salary / wage employees. In addition to recorded manually, there are also data stored in Excel format.
In the application development process employee payroll to process payroll in PT.Surya Madistrindo using Borland Delphi as software support and MySQL as a database of supporters.
Based on the results of testing, a system built to simplify and speed up work processes in the human resources department to get information about employee data, payroll data, and data recap attendance, facilitate the process of calculating employee payroll fast, easy in the process of preparing reports and pay slips, to support performance PT.Surya Madistrindo by applying information technology and provide a complete application facility.
Primary key: Payroll system in PT.Surya madistrindo
In the application development process employee payroll to process payroll in PT.Surya Madistrindo using Borland Delphi as software support and MySQL as a database of supporters.
Based on the results of testing, a system built to simplify and speed up work processes in the human resources department to get information about employee data, payroll data, and data recap attendance, facilitate the process of calculating employee payroll fast, easy in the process of preparing reports and pay slips, to support performance PT.Surya Madistrindo by applying information technology and provide a complete application facility.
Primary key: Payroll system in PT.Surya madistrindo
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Semoga bermanfaat.
Source : Skripsi teknik Informatika (Penggajian Digital) Php & Mysql
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