Good game web based get real euro in MarketGlory

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Games Market Glory Make Real Money

Goog Web Based Games MarketGlory
Games Market Glory is one strategy game about economics, politics, war capable of generating virtual money which can be used as real money. This game is a browser game that is very interesting to follow because of the many features and would be very nice if you have mastered it all. If you are interested to join to be a part of this game please do register first.

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Here are the stats player MarketGlory October 2013

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What can you do in the game's Market Glory :

1. Leading Countries

Got Candidates General in MarketGlory
In building the world needed a strong man, capable of leading a country. Here you can become a Prime-Ministry Minitry or directly elected by the players in a country. Every country there is 1 PM and 7 Ministry, once the election is done 1 month on the 1st to be exact. Prime Minister and the Ministry paid a salary in the form of Gold taken from the State treasury. Take part in managing a country.

Ran trick and do vote, I will discuss it later.

2. Became Emperor

Emperor MarketGlory
Use your leadership skills to conquer the world! Create your own organization with the fighters and soldiers to help you win the battle with other countries. Only organizations can attack, and the leader of the organization will be the emperor in the conquered country. The state government will pay the organization 30% of all revenues. It's easy to increase your income, if you collect credible fighter. Emperor did not take the functions of the Prime Minister, and political functions have not changed.

3 . Be a manager !
Manager MarketGlory
Help your country's economy to recover from the crisis ! Select the type of company that suits you , from : restaurant , wine , wine production , garment factories , timber production , glass manufacturing , paper production , factories , and many other weapons . You can help your company grow faster , through upgrades , which will greatly reduce your production costs . Be careful in managing the company , in order to increase your profits . You have the possibility to sell your products both in the local market or in the global one . Being a well-known investor and manager of the company !

4 . Trade Referrals !

Referral is the key element of the new economic system , and they can generate a constant revenue with little effort from you . Invite your friends to subscribe and increase the number of referrals . Affiliates in the menu , you have a link that you can send to all your friends , who will become your referral . You receive a daily bonus for every active referral you own , but also a percentage of their income . Additionally , you have the possibility to buy or sell referrals , Referral in the Market . Be Master by having referrals as much as possible to increase your income !

5 . Being a Broker !

Currency exchange rates fluctuate , as a result of transactions in the market , and now you have the possibility to speculate . You have 80 national currencies , from which you can choose to increase your income . When you buy a currency , the exchange rate up , and when you sell , it went down . Follow the fluctuations in the exchange rate and you can be a successful broker !

6 . Being a Journalist !

Information is power , power is money . Open your own paper company and assist residents with information ! The newspaper , as any other type of company , will generate revenue . In addition , each article will give you purchased energy . You can have a national or global newspaper , it depends on which market you choose to sell your products . You can publish information from all fields , and you can become a successful journalist , with minimal investment , which can result in substantial gains in the future .

7 . Working every day !

Work In MarketGlory
The Government believes the people who work constantly. You not only get a salary , but you also receive points for each day of work experience , which will help you develop your character and have a greater income . Do you want to grow faster ?

8 . Being a god !

Arena is a place where you can unleash your power ! Buy weapons and make sure you have the necessary energy to fight another player arena . You will receive a daily bonus in euros , depending on your rank in the arena . In addition , each time you fight you will be rewarded with serangan.Poin arena that you collect can be used as an additional bonus damage on the war . God is the highest level that can be achieved in the Arena , you have to do is fight to win this title .

9 . Shareholders !

Shareholders MarketGlory
You could be more involved in the game by buying or selling shares . This can generate significant revenue and as a bonus when it reaches 10000 Euros funding partners , for each share that you have, you will receive 0.01 Euro ( so the more you have the better ) . You can trade in the stock market and speculating with prices . So investing in stocks and increase your profits !

If you are interested to join us here is a guide for you :

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