FaceBook coupon codes for $125 advertising

Brand new 2013 FaceBook coupon codes for $125 advertising credits for all new facebook accounts with our special link.
We are big fans of the facebook system and are beginning to use it as a replacement for the other online ad networks.
Facebook has more traffic and lower per click costs so it makes sense for all advertisers to try it out. You should try to use the CPM model to test ads, focusing on the image.

2013 Facebook coupons:
  1. instant $125 credit
  2. FB-SES-SF
  3. FB-SES-NY
  4. 36KT-32T1-F16K-5N9N
  5. 61GT-27Q1-H56V-0M9Y
  6. 1WR3-80VA-41KA-62FB
Here is a bonus for you: watch a live presentation of is this the end of the web as we know it and see why Google is scared to death of the Facebook generation.
The most effective media type is an in post ad. We only create ads that display in a user’s news feed as these have had the best return on our investment, and are the only ad types that work on mobile devices.
So save your money and use the in post ad with a compelling offer.
Facebook is an excellent ad medium because it offers the following:
  • Huge traffic source – more pageviews than Google
  • Low cost per click – average CPC is only .40 compared to $1 or more at Google
  • Extremely targeted – Facebook knows everything about its users and you can pinpoint ads directly at the most likely prospects
  • Easy to use – the ad system is simple to setup, maintain and track
  • Customer Support – Facebook will help you with ads and do it cheerfully. Just try to contact the other online ad networks. Google does not openly provide emails or phone suppport
Facebook coupon code: FB-SES-NY
Go to www.facebook.com/ads to get started using your free $50 coupon code.
Another way to get a free Facebook ad credit is to signup at Pepperjam. All Pepperjam affiliate accounts receive a $50 Facebook 2013 promo code and it is free to join. So apply to be a Pepperjam reseller and receive your advertising voucher.

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