ISRAEL: Countries with humans who do not have the human side

ISRAEL: Countries with humans who do not have the human side "ISRAEL ASSASIN"
Me as a citizen of Indonesia, condemned the Israeli army of hell for those who had attacked the ship carrying the boat volunteers, I strongly regret that the UN leader turns out just to talk, can not decide and did not have a positive impact on the Israeli regime dummy.
I'm here instead of talking about differences in religion, if I talk about religious differences. what their religion ????? does have a human side, I answered RELIGION THEY DO NOT HAVE BASIC HUMANITARIAN. Countries that only wanted power. If I would have made nuclear inverting tool, will be destroyed and drowned my State of Israel is "I promise it" because we as the people of the several States as if it is not useful if only to yell view a demonstration because it will not impact on the State or the UN. Because our leaders in the money set aside by the State of Israel's regime.
Choose what you feel to answer the question below:
1. Istrael has no religious basis?2. Israeli communist?3. Israel does not have a human side?4. Israel Barbarian?5. Israel Pagan?
Israelis are not much different from the army, all stupid. Can only be silent, laugh and see the suffering of others.

 Israel Humanitarian Ship Attack - Israeli warships attacking at least one of six ships carrying humanitarian pro-Palestinian activists and aid for the blockade of Gaza, killing at least two people and injuring an unknown number of people on board, the Arab satellite service and the Turkish television network reported Monday morning .
The Israeli military denied that its forces attacked the boat, but said they would uphold the decision to keep them away from Gaza.
Al-Jazeera satellite channel reported by telephone from the ship that led the Turkish fleet, the troops opened fire on Israeli naval vessel and climbed into the vessel, injuring the captain. Turkey's NTV network also reported the Israeli takeover by gunfire, and at least two people were killed.
Al-Jazeera broadcast ended with a voice shouting in Hebrew, "Silent All!"
A Turkish website showed video from the hustle and bustle on board one vessel, with activists in orange jackets walking around some activists tried to help a seemingly unconscious on the deck. This site also shows video from an Israeli helicopter flying and Israeli warships nearby.
The report came after dawn, the fleet is still far from the coast of Gaza. Israel has said it will not allow the ship to reach Gaza.
Head of the Hamas government of Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, condemned the "brutal" Israeli attacks.
We appeal to UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, to be responsible for protecting the safety of solidarity groups that were on the ship and to secure their way into Gaza, "Haniyeh told The Associated Press.
On Sunday, Huwaida Arraf, one of the organizers, said the six-vessel fleet began the journey from the international waters off the coast of Cyprus, on Sunday afternoon after two days delay. He said they expected to reach Gaza, about 250 miles (400 kilometers) away, on Monday afternoon, and that two more ships will follow the "second wave."
Fleet was fully prepared for different scenarios that may arise, and organizers hope that the Israeli government would "do what is right" and stop the convoy, we fully intend to go into Gaza despite intimidation or threats of violence against us he said.
After Sunday night, three Israeli Navy missile boats leave their base in Haifa, the ship steaming into the sea to confront the activists'. Two hours later, Israel Radio broadcast a recording of a fleet of missile boats warned not to approach Gaza.
"If you ignore this command and enter the blockaded area, the Israeli navy would be forced to take all necessary steps in order to enforce this blockade," the radio message.
Al-Jazeera satellite channel reported that the ship changed direction to try to avoid confrontation at night, daytime prefer confrontation to a better publicity.
Fleet that includes three cargo ships and three passenger ships, trying to draw attention to Israel's blockade on the Gaza Strip three years. The boats are carrying items that bar Israel from Gaza to reach, such as cement and other building materials. The activists said they also carry hundreds of electric-powered wheelchair, prefabricated houses and water purifier.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor of Israel said that after checking the security, humanitarian aid was allowed confiscation of the boat will be transferred to Gaza through resmi.Namun point, Israel would not transfer items that have been banned from Gaza under blockade regulations. Palmor said that for example, cement will be allowed only if related to a particular project.
This is the ninth time that the Free Gaza movement boats trying to humanitarian assistance to Gaza since August 2008.
Israel has let the ship through five times, but has blocked them from entering the waters of Gaza since a three-week military offensive against the Hamas rulers in Gaza in January 2009. Gaza is the largest fleet headed to the present. Around 700 pro-Palestinian activists were on the ship, including 1976 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Mairead Corrigan Maguire of Northern Ireland, Europe and legislators elderly Holocaust victims.
Mission has experienced repeated delays, the ban has forced a group of European MPs to depart from the breakaway Turkish Cypriot north of the island Saturday night.
Israel and Egypt imposed a blockade on Gaza after Hamas militants grip on the coast in June 2007.
Israel says the measures needed to prevent Hamas, which has fired thousands of rockets into Israel. But UN officials and international aid groups say the blockade has been counterproductive, failed to weaken the Islamic militant group, even destroying the local economy.
In particular, the prohibition of building materials to prevent thousands of Gazans fix homes damaged or destroyed in the Israeli military attack, this is meant to stop Hamas rocket attacks, early last year.
Israel rejected the claim of humanitarian crisis in Gaza, saying it allows more than enough food and medicine to the region. Israelis also point to a busy smuggling industry along the southern Gaza border with Egypt, which has successfully brought consumer goods, gasoline and cattle to the Gaza shore.
Israel has condemned the fleet as a provocation and vowed to block from reaching Gaza.
Palmor said foreign activists on the ships would be sent back to their country. Activists who are unwilling to agree to be deported would be arrested. A special detention facilities have been established in the southern Israeli city of Ashdod.
In a small port in Gaza for small fishing vessels, Hamas officials, activists and citizens of foreign countries get ready to welcome the fleet, around it there are 40 small boats floating in the sea and decorated with the flags of countries from pro-Palestinian activists , including Turkey and Algeria.
In other ships, scout kids playing music, while at the beach, another activist who released a balloon with the face of Palestinian civilians and militants killed in fighting with Israeli troops.
In Syria, Damascus-based Palestinian groups eight countries urged Arabs and Muslims to work to support the fleet and warned Israelis to do anything against stupidity "to prevent the ship"
This could create further tensions and trigger an unexpected reaction, "said the groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants Google News .

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