151,047,335.57 USD more, Family Ratu Atut Chosiah Corrupt with family, Indonesian state allow for graft, and supported by the citizens of offerings. "Government programs are essentially to improve the welfare of the community, but if you look at the pattern, it is more in the interests of a particular political group or dynasty," performed by family Ratu Atut Chosiah as governor of Banten.
The following are known by ICW and friends
According to files obtained merdeka.com of an anti-corruption activist in the city of Serang, there were 20 cases of alleged corruption as the evidence involves several family-owned companies ATUT. Sumption mastery of the state's project financial harm has been reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). But the Golkar Party supports corruption and Indonesian government officials silent.
Eleven years in power, Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah carriage successfully attract political and business families. Along with the rise of clan members ATUT in five areas, the more lively the family business anyway in all sectors. It's just part of their project.
1 . Banten Province
Officials : Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah
Budget 2013 : Rp 6.052 trillion
- Ratu Atut Chosiyah
- Tubagus Chaeri Wardana ( sister ATUT / husband Airin )
project :
- Construction of Provincial Parliament Banten , 2004-2006 ( IDR 93 billion )
Ratu Tatu - Chasanah
project :
- Construction - Kronjo Pontang , 2012 ( IDR 10.1 billion )
- John Chaidir
- Ratu Tatu Chasanah
project :
- Construction of Hospital Balaraja , 2006, IDR 15 billion
Note :
Ratu Tatu - husband 's sister -in-law aka ATUT , John Chaidir , a graft suspect Balaraja Hospital development .
2. South Tangerang City
Officials : South Tangerang MayorAirin Rachmi Diany ( sister -in-law ATUT )
Budget 2013 : Rp 2.2 trillion
- Airin Rachmi Diany
- Tubagus Ghifari Al Chusaeri ( child Airin )
project :
- Rehabilitation and normalization Chester , in 2013 ( IDR 11.3 billion )
Sidewalk - Tangerang - Serpong Development Phase I , 2013 ( IDR 17.8 billion )
B. PT Surtini Jaya Kencana ( queen Irma Suryani - close to the dynastic Queen ATUT )
Project : Construction SDN Pamulang 3 and 4 ( IDR 3.6 billion )
C. PT Mitra Karya Rattan (shareholder : Herdian Koosnadi , partnership Chaeri Ward at PT Mandiri Citraputra Internusa )
Project : Construction of SDN Pondok Cabe Ilir 1 and 2 ( IDR 5.1 billion )
3. Serang City
Officials : Mayor Serang Tubagus Haerul Jaman ( sister ATUT )
Budget 2013 : IDR 869.7 billion
company :
- Tubagus Chaeri Wardana
project :
Road - widening boundaries of Serang - Tangerang City , 2012 ( IDR 28.4 billion )
- Maintenance of periodic boundary Serang - Tangerang City , 2011 ( IDR 52.8 billion )
-Nilla Suprapto
- Nurdjanah
- Construction of Masjid Al-Bantani, Serang City 2008 ( IDR 94.3 billion )
Note :
Allegedly there is a flow - fee 20 percent of Gunakarya to Chaeri Wardana
4. Regent Serang
Officials : Vice Regent Serang Ratu Tatu Chasanah ( sister ATUT )
Budget 2013 : Rp 2.04 trillion
A.PT Sinar Ciomas Wahana Putra
owner :
- Ratu Atut and family
project :
- Job security Tirtayasa Beach , Serang , 2012 ( IDR 6.2 billion )
B. PT Sinar Ciomas Raya Utama
project :
- Job security Pasauran Beach , Serang regency ( Rp 24.4 billion )
C. PT Ciboleger Indah Baduy
Shareholders :
- Suspected as relatives ATUT
project :
- Drainage Improvement Program the primary , Kali Parung , Serang , 2012 ( IDR 5 billion )
Note :
- Board Ciboleger , Ratu Irma Suryani , who was a close Chaeri Wardana, retained the High Court in the case of drainage time Parung
Airin - establishment companies handled as a notary
Budget 2013 : IDR 1.5 trillion
A. PT Buana Wardana Utama
Shareowners :
Family - related Allegedly ATUT
project :
- Construction Marapat - Camara , District Geulis , Pandeglang , 2011 ( IDR 8.9 billion )
Note :
- Leader Buana , Yayah Rodiah , has been questioned by the KPK in the bribery case against Chief Justice
Akil Mochtar constitution
B. PT Putra Perdana Jaya
project :
Coventry road - construction - Tanjung Dimples - Well , Pandeglang , 2013 ( IDR 38.5 billion )
Greedy rulers Ratu Atut Chosiah
The following are known by ICW and friends
According to files obtained merdeka.com of an anti-corruption activist in the city of Serang, there were 20 cases of alleged corruption as the evidence involves several family-owned companies ATUT. Sumption mastery of the state's project financial harm has been reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). But the Golkar Party supports corruption and Indonesian government officials silent.
The following breakdown of a small portion
According to files obtained merdeka.com of an anti-corruption activist in the city of Serang , there were 20 cases involving alleged rasuah ATUT several family-owned companies . Sumption mastery of the state 's project financial harm has been reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission ( KPK ) .
Here are the details :
1 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of land for office development SAMSAT Attack fiscal year 2007 amounting to IDR 3.2 billion .
2 . Allegations of corruption provision of drinking water facilities and infrastructure for low-income people in four districts / cities in Banten fiscal year 2007 amounting to IDR 3 billion .
3 . Road construction corruption allegations CSD-Cikeusik-Muara Binuangeun by PT PP (Persero) in cooperation with PT Bali Pacific Pragama fiscal year 2005 amounting to IDR 23.6 billion.
4 . Allegations of corruption in the construction of roads in the city and Pandeglang Rangkasbitung by PT Dini Contractor fiscal year 2005 amounting to IDR 4.3 billion .
5 . Road construction corruption allegations Cipulus - point Banten by PT Dini Contractor fiscal year 2006 amounting to IDR 3.3 billion .
6 . Road construction corruption allegations CSD - Muara Binuangeun by PT Sinar Raya Ciomas Contractor fiscal year 2004 amounting to IDR 14.3 billion .
7 . Alleged corruption by the construction of the Ring Road Rau Contractor PT Sinar Ciomas Kingdom IDR 9 billion .
8 . Allegations of corruption CBD land acquisition Banten Provincial Government ( KP3B ) IDR 104 billion .
9 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of a fictitious drug Banten Health Department fiscal year 2004 amounting to IDR 1.1 billion .
10 . Construction corruption allegations Regional General Hospital (Hospital ) Balaraja fiscal year 2006 amounting to IDR 14.1 billion .
11 . Road construction corruption allegations Barusatu - Jiput fiscal year 2008 by PT Buana Wardana Utama IDR 2.8 billion .
12 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of medical equipment in Banten Health Department budget year 2006 valued at IDR 7.3 billion .
13 . Construction corruption allegations Legislative Council ( DPRD ) Banten second stage the 2006 financial year by PT Sinar Raya Ciomas Contractor with two contracts , namely IDR 17.5 billion and IDR 11.8 billion .
14 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of land liaison office in Jakarta, Banten province sebsar the 2007 budget of IDR 10.9 billion .
15 . Allegations of corruption housing allowance governor and lieutenant governor fiscal year 2003 amounting to IDR 3.4 billion .
16 . Allegations of corruption Banten parliament building worth IDR 62.5 billion by PT Sinar Raya Ciomas Contractor does not have the technical ability .
17 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of five four-wheeled vehicle office in Banten Province Bureau of Supplies fiscal year 2007 amounting to IDR 1.5 billion .
18 . Allegations of corruption Kedaton - market roads Thursday , Putat - market Thursday , and Jatake - Gadjah Tunggal 2007 budget worth IDR 4.6 billion .
19 . Allegations of corruption rural road construction shaft district / city in Banten province fiscal year 2007 amounted to IDR 17.5 billion .
20 . Alleged road construction Pakupatan - PALIMA and Pontang - Kronjo - Mauk fiscal year 2007 by PT Bali Pacific Pragama and PT TPU of IDR 24.2 billion .
Here are the details :
1 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of land for office development SAMSAT Attack fiscal year 2007 amounting to IDR 3.2 billion .
2 . Allegations of corruption provision of drinking water facilities and infrastructure for low-income people in four districts / cities in Banten fiscal year 2007 amounting to IDR 3 billion .
3 . Road construction corruption allegations CSD-Cikeusik-Muara Binuangeun by PT PP (Persero) in cooperation with PT Bali Pacific Pragama fiscal year 2005 amounting to IDR 23.6 billion.
4 . Allegations of corruption in the construction of roads in the city and Pandeglang Rangkasbitung by PT Dini Contractor fiscal year 2005 amounting to IDR 4.3 billion .
5 . Road construction corruption allegations Cipulus - point Banten by PT Dini Contractor fiscal year 2006 amounting to IDR 3.3 billion .
6 . Road construction corruption allegations CSD - Muara Binuangeun by PT Sinar Raya Ciomas Contractor fiscal year 2004 amounting to IDR 14.3 billion .
7 . Alleged corruption by the construction of the Ring Road Rau Contractor PT Sinar Ciomas Kingdom IDR 9 billion .
8 . Allegations of corruption CBD land acquisition Banten Provincial Government ( KP3B ) IDR 104 billion .
9 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of a fictitious drug Banten Health Department fiscal year 2004 amounting to IDR 1.1 billion .
10 . Construction corruption allegations Regional General Hospital (Hospital ) Balaraja fiscal year 2006 amounting to IDR 14.1 billion .
11 . Road construction corruption allegations Barusatu - Jiput fiscal year 2008 by PT Buana Wardana Utama IDR 2.8 billion .
12 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of medical equipment in Banten Health Department budget year 2006 valued at IDR 7.3 billion .
13 . Construction corruption allegations Legislative Council ( DPRD ) Banten second stage the 2006 financial year by PT Sinar Raya Ciomas Contractor with two contracts , namely IDR 17.5 billion and IDR 11.8 billion .
14 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of land liaison office in Jakarta, Banten province sebsar the 2007 budget of IDR 10.9 billion .
15 . Allegations of corruption housing allowance governor and lieutenant governor fiscal year 2003 amounting to IDR 3.4 billion .
16 . Allegations of corruption Banten parliament building worth IDR 62.5 billion by PT Sinar Raya Ciomas Contractor does not have the technical ability .
17 . Allegations of corruption in the procurement of five four-wheeled vehicle office in Banten Province Bureau of Supplies fiscal year 2007 amounting to IDR 1.5 billion .
18 . Allegations of corruption Kedaton - market roads Thursday , Putat - market Thursday , and Jatake - Gadjah Tunggal 2007 budget worth IDR 4.6 billion .
19 . Allegations of corruption rural road construction shaft district / city in Banten province fiscal year 2007 amounted to IDR 17.5 billion .
20 . Alleged road construction Pakupatan - PALIMA and Pontang - Kronjo - Mauk fiscal year 2007 by PT Bali Pacific Pragama and PT TPU of IDR 24.2 billion .
Eleven years in power, Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah carriage successfully attract political and business families. Along with the rise of clan members ATUT in five areas, the more lively the family business anyway in all sectors. It's just part of their project.
1 . Banten Province
Officials : Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah
Budget 2013 : Rp 6.052 trillion
A. PT Sinar Ciomas Raya Utama
Shareholders :- Ratu Atut Chosiyah
- Tubagus Chaeri Wardana ( sister ATUT / husband Airin )
project :
- Construction of Provincial Parliament Banten , 2004-2006 ( IDR 93 billion )
B. PT Profesional Indonesia Lantera Raga
Shareholders :Ratu Tatu - Chasanah
project :
- Construction - Kronjo Pontang , 2012 ( IDR 10.1 billion )
C. PT Glindingmas Wahananusa
board :- John Chaidir
- Ratu Tatu Chasanah
project :
- Construction of Hospital Balaraja , 2006, IDR 15 billion
Note :
Ratu Tatu - husband 's sister -in-law aka ATUT , John Chaidir , a graft suspect Balaraja Hospital development .
2. South Tangerang City
Officials : South Tangerang Mayor
Budget 2013 : Rp 2.2 trillion
A. PT Putra Perdana Jaya
Shareholders :- Airin Rachmi Diany
- Tubagus Ghifari Al Chusaeri ( child Airin )
project :
- Rehabilitation and normalization Chester , in 2013 ( IDR 11.3 billion )
Sidewalk - Tangerang - Serpong Development Phase I , 2013 ( IDR 17.8 billion )
B. PT Surtini Jaya Kencana ( queen Irma Suryani - close to the dynastic Queen ATUT )
Project : Construction SDN Pamulang 3 and 4 ( IDR 3.6 billion )
C. PT Mitra Karya Rattan (shareholder : Herdian Koosnadi , partnership Chaeri Ward at PT Mandiri Citraputra Internusa )
Project : Construction of SDN Pondok Cabe Ilir 1 and 2 ( IDR 5.1 billion )
3. Serang City
Officials : Mayor Serang Tubagus Haerul Jaman ( sister ATUT )
Budget 2013 : IDR 869.7 billion
company :
A.PT Bali Pacific Pragama
Shareholders :- Tubagus Chaeri Wardana
project :
Road - widening boundaries of Serang - Tangerang City , 2012 ( IDR 28.4 billion )
- Maintenance of periodic boundary Serang - Tangerang City , 2011 ( IDR 52.8 billion )
B. PT Gunakarya Nusantara
Shareholders :-Nilla Suprapto
- Nurdjanah
- Construction of Masjid Al-Bantani, Serang City 2008 ( IDR 94.3 billion )
Note :
Allegedly there is a flow - fee 20 percent of Gunakarya to Chaeri Wardana
4. Regent Serang
Officials : Vice Regent Serang Ratu Tatu Chasanah ( sister ATUT )
Budget 2013 : Rp 2.04 trillion
A.PT Sinar Ciomas Wahana Putra
owner :
- Ratu Atut and family
project :
- Job security Tirtayasa Beach , Serang , 2012 ( IDR 6.2 billion )
B. PT Sinar Ciomas Raya Utama
project :
- Job security Pasauran Beach , Serang regency ( Rp 24.4 billion )
C. PT Ciboleger Indah Baduy
Shareholders :
- Suspected as relatives ATUT
project :
- Drainage Improvement Program the primary , Kali Parung , Serang , 2012 ( IDR 5 billion )
Note :
- Board Ciboleger , Ratu Irma Suryani , who was a close Chaeri Wardana, retained the High Court in the case of drainage time Parung
Airin - establishment companies handled as a notary
5. Regent Pandeglang
Officials : Vice Regent Pandeglang Heryani ( stepmother ATUT )Budget 2013 : IDR 1.5 trillion
A. PT Buana Wardana Utama
Shareowners :
Family - related Allegedly ATUT
project :
- Construction Marapat - Camara , District Geulis , Pandeglang , 2011 ( IDR 8.9 billion )
Note :
- Leader Buana , Yayah Rodiah , has been questioned by the KPK in the bribery case against Chief Justice
Akil Mochtar constitution
B. PT Putra Perdana Jaya
project :
Coventry road - construction - Tanjung Dimples - Well , Pandeglang , 2013 ( IDR 38.5 billion )
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Banten Civil |
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