COLLECTION OF COLLECTIONS AND FULL LATEST SMS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. Maybe some parts of the world celebrates the 25th of December 2011 with great fanfare, I will here give a picture of Christmas holiday greeting to Christians in the world, although I am a Muslim but more beautiful if we live together without any distinction of religion, because belief in a religion is a noble thing in life in this mortal world.

I meet.. faith peace joy love.. they need place to stay, so i give them your address.. Hope they arrive at your home to celebrate happy Christmas with U.. GBU..
Today is a wonderful opportunity 2 pray, 2 love, 2 care, 2 smile + 2 THANK GOD 4 all the blessings we received. Merry XMas & Happy New Year.
Just want 2 greet U. Merry Christmas. May the spirit of Christmas be with U.
I am sorry for being late in sending you a very best wishes of Christmas. But i believe that Jesus Christ who was born newly in our heart, never be late in giving His blessings and graces to each of us especially to you who love and serve HIM. MERRY CHRISTMAS
I love you, You love me, We’re a happy family, with a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you, Won’t you say you love me TOO! I love you, You love me, We’re best friends like friends should be, With a great big hug, And a kiss from me to you, Won’t you say you love me too Melli Melli KLISMAS & Heppi Niu Year to YOU
Jesus is d reason 4 tis season. Lets Rejoice and Praise HIM 4 His Wonderful Work. Have a Merry Merry and Merry XMas.. JBU & Fam.
This is Xmas not the tinsel, not the giving n receiving, not even the carols, but the humble heart that receives a new the wondrous gift. the Christ! Merry XMas!
Life has its ups & downs. S’times sun shines, s’times the rain pours. But don’t forget, it takes both sun & rain to make a RAINBOW. Have a colorful Merry Christmas.
Peace in ur HEART, Health in ur BODY, Wealth in ur LIFE, Joy in ur HOME, May u always be blessed with these priceless treasures. Happy New Year GBU.

Faith makes all things possible,
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this Christmas.
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this Christmas.
Dear friend, before the holly Santa
Claus knock at your door, pls allow me to be the first person to wish
Hot tea! Specially 4 u mixed with 1 tsp.
of love, 2 tsp. of joy, 3 tsp. of peace. Hope U feel the peace of X
Mas! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Simple music
can make U sing. Simple hug makes U feel better. Simple things can make
U happy. Hope my Simple Merry XMas & Happy New Year will make U
Hohoho… Merry Christmas! My plend.. May
thiz christmas bring u more hapPinez, joyfull, faithful, n pren pliz
4give me yah if i had mistaken
or disappointed u i’m really sorry. May christmas peace touch into our heart.. God bless u n ur fam.. Plends 4eva.. n have a wonderful christmas..
or disappointed u i’m really sorry. May christmas peace touch into our heart.. God bless u n ur fam.. Plends 4eva.. n have a wonderful christmas..
Do u know what Christmas is? It’s Simple
C-hrist H-as R-isen I-n S-pite T-he M-ost A-dverse S-acrifices, have a
great christmas.. Merry Christmas
The spirit of Christmas is Joy. The
message of Christmas is Hope. The meaning of Christmas is Love. May Joy,
Hope, n Love be yours always.. Merry Christmas.
Wishing you True joy, quiet peace and perfect love.
Happy Christmas !
Happy Christmas !
Praying the blessings of the season
will refresh you this Christmas and
throughout the coming year
will refresh you this Christmas and
throughout the coming year
Thinking of you this Christmas
And praying you’re happy and blessed
May everything good from God be yours !
I Peter 1:2
And praying you’re happy and blessed
May everything good from God be yours !
I Peter 1:2
Open HEARTS receive LOVE
open MINDS receive WISDOM
open HANDS receive GIFTS
SPECIAL FRIENDS receive my greeting Merry Christmas.
May the joy of Jesus bring u n ur family new hope,
love, faith and grace. Wish u have a wonderful …..
Merry christmas.
======================================open MINDS receive WISDOM
open HANDS receive GIFTS
SPECIAL FRIENDS receive my greeting Merry Christmas.
May the joy of Jesus bring u n ur family new hope,
love, faith and grace. Wish u have a wonderful …..
Merry christmas.
I meet.. faith peace joy love.. they need place to stay, so i give them your address.. Hope they arrive at your home to celebrate happy Christmas with U.. GBU..
Today is a wonderful opportunity 2 pray, 2 love, 2 care, 2 smile + 2 THANK GOD 4 all the blessings we received. Merry XMas & Happy New Year.
Just want 2 greet U. Merry Christmas. May the spirit of Christmas be with U.
I am sorry for being late in sending you a very best wishes of Christmas. But i believe that Jesus Christ who was born newly in our heart, never be late in giving His blessings and graces to each of us especially to you who love and serve HIM. MERRY CHRISTMAS
I love you, You love me, We’re a happy family, with a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you, Won’t you say you love me TOO! I love you, You love me, We’re best friends like friends should be, With a great big hug, And a kiss from me to you, Won’t you say you love me too Melli Melli KLISMAS & Heppi Niu Year to YOU
Jesus is d reason 4 tis season. Lets Rejoice and Praise HIM 4 His Wonderful Work. Have a Merry Merry and Merry XMas.. JBU & Fam.
This is Xmas not the tinsel, not the giving n receiving, not even the carols, but the humble heart that receives a new the wondrous gift. the Christ! Merry XMas!
Life has its ups & downs. S’times sun shines, s’times the rain pours. But don’t forget, it takes both sun & rain to make a RAINBOW. Have a colorful Merry Christmas.
Peace in ur HEART, Health in ur BODY, Wealth in ur LIFE, Joy in ur HOME, May u always be blessed with these priceless treasures. Happy New Year GBU.
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